
Why do we need supplements and what is LifeLongVitality?

The healthiest way to provide your body with the essential nutrients it needs to function properly is through a healthy diet and lifestyle, however with today's busy lives and severely depleted soils, many of us often struggle to get the vital daily nutrition our bodies need. Also if you have a more restricted diet due to following a weight management plan, or if you are coeliac, vegan or vegetarian your risk of losing out on essential nutrients can be even greater.
The sad truth is that our environment is depleted and most of us simply can’t get enough goodness from our food.  Even if we grew our own organic vegetables in an unpolluted environment we would struggle to get all of the nutrients that we need.  Thousands of years of intense farming practices have depleted our soils.  On top of this, produce is increasingly being shipped thousands of miles and sitting in storage or on shelves for weeks, meaning evening greater degradation of the nutrient profile.
A large-scale study conducted between 1930 and 1980 and published in the British Food Journal found that in 20 vegetables the average calcium content in this time had declined 19%, Iron 22%, and potassium 14%. Yet another study concluded that we would have to eat eight oranges today to derive the same amount of Vitamin A as our grandparents would have from just one.
A study conducted by Dr Thomas investigated the fall of nutrients in 64 foods by comparing data from Government-backed scientific studies between 1940 and 1991.   The rate of depletion appeared to be greatest between 1978 and 1991. In those 13 years alone, vegetables lost 57 per cent of their zinc - an important element for the immune system and for male fertility.  Dr Thomas said: "We found that since 1940, the minerals and other nutrients that help to make fruit and vegetables good for you have been in startling decline."
Supplements help to fill the missing gaps in our nutrition and ensure we don’t have deficiencies and that we receive the correct balance of nutrients to help us to stay healthy, have energy and prevent premature aging.
It’s important to note that not all supplements are the same so it is worth taking time to research the supplements you buy, to ensure they fit your own individual requirements.   

I have spent literally years searching for the perfect supplement and doTERRA’s Lifelong Vitality Supplements (LLV) are by far the best that I have found.  They are wholefood based, bioavailble, and designed to support a wide range of nutritional requirements.  Personally, since starting to take these supplements, I have more energy, clarity, focus, motivation, I sleep better, I am calmer, and my immune system is strong.  If I ever forget to take them for more than a few days (I try not to, but it does happen sometimes) I typically get irritable and sick! 
The LLV are a range of three different supplements (also with a Omega Vegan and Microplex Vegan option) and designed to use on a daily basis. Each of these supplements can be taken on its own, however they are at their most powerful when taken together.    

1. Alpha CRS+ Cellular Vitality Complex

This complex is a unique blend of natural botanical extracts. It includes a potent dose of powerful polyphenols* to support healthy cell function and is the most comprehensive antioxidant supplement in the market. Antioxidants can prevent or slow damage to cells from free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that are damaging to cells in our body, and come from all sorts of sources such as air pollution and alcohol....they are everywhere. Alphas CRS+ is a great way to help fight off the damage they can cause to our bodies.
• Reduces oxidative stress to support healthy cell function and metabolism
• Supports cellular energy
• Supports brain function and mental focus
• Supports healthy cellular immune function 
• Designed to help prevent stomach upset.
• Does not contain milk, wheat, or animal products. 
*Polyphenols - these are naturally occurring compounds that can act as antioxidants. It is thought that they can reduce inflammation. Discover more on Polyphenols here


2. Microplex VMz Food Nutrient Complex

The name of this complex is a combination of ‘micronututrient’ and ‘complex’. VM is for vitamins and minerals and z indicates this is an improved formula - which helps to explain the benefits of this complex. Made up of natural, highly bioavailable vitamins, minerals and trace elements, they are combined with a glycoprotein matrix. This Microplex VMz formula helps our bodies to maximise absorption during digestion and maximise effectiveness.  There is also a vegan option availble. 
• Provides 22 essential vitamins and minerals to support normal growth, function, and maintenance of cells
• Includes a balanced blend of chelated minerals including calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, and chromium
• Includes a whole-food botanical blend of kale, dandelion, parsley, kelp, broccoli, brussels sprout, cabbage, and spinach
• Formulated with a digestive enzyme blend of protease, lactase, lipase, amylase, α-galactosidase, diastase, glucoamylase, and peptidase
• Fights free radicals with the antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E
• Supports healthy metabolism, digestion, immune function and cellular energy
• Supports bone health

3. xEO Mega Essential Oil Omega Complex

Essential fatty acids, also known as Omega fatty acids are vital for our health, however our bodies are unable to make them, so they must be included in our day to day diets. From brain health to our immune system and joints there are so many important functions in our bodies that use essential fatty acids. Yet this is one of the most common deficiencies in a modern diet - the best sources are fatty fish and marine algae - if your diet is lacking in these you should consider this supplement.  There is also a vegan option availble (see below). 
The xEO Mega Essential Oil Omega Complex is the most advanced essential oil omega complex on the market, providing your body with a powerful dose of essential fatty acids, essential oils and vitamins D and E that needs to stay healthy and strong. One daily dose of xEO Mega provides 950 milligrams of pure, micro-filtered marine lipids with EPA and DHA—the two distinct types of long-chain omega-3s that research has consistently shown to be the most beneficial and most lacking in the conventional diet. 
• Provides a wide range of omega-3 fatty acids from marine and plant sources to help maintain a healthy balance of these vital nutrients
• Includes natural vitamin D and natural vitamin E
• Formulated with essential oils of Clove, Frankincense, Thyme, Cumin, Wild Orange, Peppermint, Ginger, Caraway, and German Chamomile
• Includes the powerful antioxidant carotenoid, astaxanthin
• Promotes heart and circulatory health
• Supports healthy joint function and comfort
• Provides immune-boosting nutrients
• Protects against lipid oxidation and supports healthy function of the brain, eyes and nervous system
• Promotes healthy skin

4. vEO Mega Essential Oil Omega Complex 

This complex is a vegan and vegetarian-friendly formula designed to give the same benefits as The xEO Mega Essential Oil Omega Complex with the EFAs sourced from botanicals, rather than marine sources. This unique product delivers a daily dose of botanical omegas with ALA from flax seed oil and Incha Inchi oil, GLA from borage oil and DHA from algae. 
• Provides a wide range of essential fatty acids including ALA, DHA, and GLA, from plant sources to help maintain a healthy balance of omega fatty acids
• Includes natural vitamin D and natural vitamin E
• Formulated with essential oils of Clove, Frankincense, Thyme, Cumin, Wild Orange, Peppermint, Ginger, Caraway, and German Chamomile
• Includes a microalgae carotenoid extract of pure astaxanthin and other carotenoids
• Promotes heart and circulatory health
• Supports healthy joint function and comfort
• Provides important modulating nutrients for healthy immune function
• Protects against lipid oxidation and supports healthy function of the brain
• Promotes healthy skin
Melanie I have been using this product for about 18mths and I love it. It's given me my life back. I have a chronic medical
condition, which I will always have to live with but the LLV has increased my energy levels two fold, making leaving the
house a whole lot more enjoyable. It has also helped my digestive system which has always had issues. I would be lost
now without my LLV.

Lailah Rose So grateful for both LLV & DDR Prime! I have some health issues & since using these I am no longer
medicated. Absolutely stoked. I've experienced some pretty shocking lows but these have brought me right back & I feel
better than ever. I just need to remember NOT to forget them or my health, energy levels & mood drops pretty quickly!
I've just introduced my husband to them this month!

Leanne I used LLV after being so ill that I was not sure I would survive. Along with the oils, a very very clean diet, rest
and various other treatments, the LLV helped restore my energy and instinctively I believe it helped repair and heal my
body. I am still on the road to recovery and have been taking the LLV religiously for about 2 years... and I will continue to
do so.

Jen I love LLV for the energy it gave me after 8 years of very hard slog emotionally... they truly made a difference to how
I feel which is beyond amazing

Candi I didn't think it was doing much good to be honest, didn't notice a change, then I ran out for 10days! I got smashed
with food poisoning a cold sore and then gastro all in a week. I couldn't believe it. I was like the demon from hell too haha
won't make that mistake again!

Erika I love LLV. Despite having to halve the dose of the xEO mega due to other issues. I cannot live without taking the
set. I couldn't be bothered opening my next lot of bottles and was just taking the xEO mega for about a week... that was
a mistake. Since I started taking LLV my joint pain has almost completely disappeared. My partner tried to get me to
stop for a while because we "couldn't afford it" I was in sooo much pain all over that my response became we "cannot
afford not too". Especially when my hip made it hard to walk. I have injuries from several motor vehicle accidents and I
am so grateful for being able to have access to a fantastic product. My recommendation would be to try it. What have
you got to lose? Nothing to lose but the possibility of less pain to gain.

Alysia I started on a quarter dose of LLV and built up to half dose! I noticed a huge boost in energy within weeks of
starting on it! Amazing.

Leanne Ok this might be just a weird coincidence but it rattled me a bit at the time so much so that l stopped taking
them. I'd heard and read so much about LLV so l was excited to start on them. l'd been on them for a couple of
weeks and they threw me into menopause. Bit of back ground history, ld been having regular blood tests to check my
hormone levels, the last one the week before l started on the LLV and was no where near menopause. The only thing
that changed was taking the LLV, l started to feel the menopause symptoms after a week, went and had another test and
yep hello menopause. So l started on the menopause protocol, done that for a few weeks, then gave them up also. All
symptoms started to subside, and stop all together after a few months. All in all my menopause lasted 4 months! Yay.  
A year later here l am l just started back on them for the 30 day cleanse and looking forward to 2017 and all it brings.

Erin We love LLV. My hubby started taking these a few months ago and only takes 1/ 2 the recommended dosage. He
has already noticed a huge improvement in his health- from an uplift in moods, energy, ease of movement to not needing
as much meds for respiratory support. This is huge for him!! He tells everyone about it and that in itself says something!
He reminded when it was time to order the last lot as he ran out and within a week was unwell! Coincidence or not, he
doesn't want us to run out again, me neither. I love how it's helped his overall health and wellbeing! So, I'm now on it
too, taking a 1/4 of the dose, and can already feel an improvement in my energy levels! Yay

Daniela LLV + mitomax , ddr prime has truly been My lifeline for the past 12 months and has helped me conquer severe
fatigue and support me to come off medication for emotional/anxiety. Found a half dose is just right. It wasn't until I ran
out that I realised how much it really helps support me .No afternoon slumps, reduced aches and pains and no sickness,
where I was getting sick with chronic illness' every 6 weeks and ending up on antibiotics . These products are extensively
researched to work together and boy do they help!!!

Maria For energy, clean thinking, health, moods and all the rest that comes with taking the amazing supplement!

Kath I love knowing the research which has gone into the formulation of LLV. I used to buy lots of supplements to get the
things I had found useful, and was pleasantly surprised to find they are included in alpha CRS. So I am no longer buying
so many different supplements. I find that although I prefer to limit my US orders, I am not willing to run out again, as like
some others have said, I noticed a difference when I did!

Adele -More clarity, better immune resiliency, skin tags have dropped off

Gabriela - I have replaced my Multi Vitamins with LLV but have also included DDR and the Probiotic pill. All I can say is
WOW! I thought this would never be possible but I am now a morning person and OMG regular as clockwork!!!!! These
are significant issues I have fought all my life so LLV you're the ONE for ME! _

Shez I've never been sure about taking supplements and always believed good nutrition provides what we need. I am
very focused on supporting my thyroid and needing energy, mental clarity relief from aching muscles and joints. After
looking at LLV and seeing how comprehensive it is and contains the vitamin, mineral and herbal support I need, that isn't
always easy to get hold of, or incorporate into the daily diet, I decided to give it a go. I wasn't sure if it was doing much
until I run out and immediately saw and felt a huge difference! I was feeling flat, tired and achey - basically I felt like crap
without taking them. I'm so grateful to have access to Life Long Vitality. It is by far one of the best supplements I have
come across. To get the same support you would need to purchase a lot of different individual products and then
struggle to find as good a quality. Certainly not something you can find at your local chemist or supermarket! Thanks
D_TERRA for this life changing product!        
France I've gotten back on LLV because I don't want to be a dimmed version of myself anymore, I don't absorb nutrients
from food very well I suspect and I'm doing the doTERRA Cleanse and Restore in February to try and fix that! With an
extra bottle of Mito2Max!

Jemma When I took these within 2 weeks myself and others could see a difference in my skin, and I felt much more
energetic - felt like getting up in the morning rather than rolling over for more sleep! Amazing product and I really need to
start ordering and taking it again!! And my body just felt amazing!

Robyn Thanks LLV ... I am half way through my first pack and have noticed... Energy Boost ! My joints don't creak anymore! Better Focus to get more done in my day.( if thats possible with a crazy 2year old and a 4 year old running around... Ha ha !

Sarah In just over 2 weeks I wasn't feeling that 3:30itis anymore... no need for a 30 day guarantee! I couldn't believe how much energy I had. I've run out and am waiting for my order and I have certainly notice the difference! I thought it was a fluke how good I was feeling.

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Please Remember

These are powerful oils and supplements and shouldn’t be used without checking directions on how to use these safely.  Always consult with your doctor if you are unsure or you are taking medication. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

What Next?
If you’d like to learn more about how you can use essential oils for health and happiness, then you can join our online community THE ESSENTIAL OIL EXPERIENCE. If you are ready to get started CLICK HERE for step by step ordering instructions.

Not sure where to start then you can request some FREE SAMPLES or get in touch and LETS CHAT!

Happy and healthy living! 


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