
Winter Wellness Made Simple

Now that ‘winter’ has begun properly in Perth (I do struggle with calling sunny, 20C days winter – that’s the English in me coming through I guess!), many of us start to worry about how many days of sick leave we have, fearing that the various bugs that are prevalent will require us to take time off work to look after our children or ourselves.

Fortunately there are a few ways we can reduce the incidences and severity of illnesses, and they are VERY easy.

Firstly, we need to make sure that our bodies are as healthy as possible. We do this by ensuring that we are getting enough good quality sleep; managing our stresses productively; reducing our toxic load and having a decent diet. Did you tick all of those boxes?

Let’s look at these 5 simple steps individually.

1. Quality Sleep

We need to have an average of between 6 – 8 hours a night, although some need more, and some need less. Make sure that you have a routine you follow each night. Try to restrict your exposure to technology like computers and televisions (if you absolutely can’t, use a low back light); have a relaxing warm shower or bath (I love to add a handful of Epsom salts and 3 drops of lavender or doTERRA’s calming blend essential oils); and have a really comfy bed which you use for intimacy and sleep only.

I also have a sleep spray which I mist on my face and pillow before I sleep which has 3 drops each of white fir, cedarwood and lavender essential oils with water (and a pinch of Epsom salts to emulsify). Ensuring you stay asleep can be assisted by earplugs (so you don’t hear your children [sigh]); and having an ultrasonic diffuser running with lavender, dōTERRA’s calming blend or vetiver.

As hard as it is, try to get up at the same time each morning.

2. Managing Stress
Staying calm is really hard sometimes, especially if you are a busy working mum. You can love your children (and spouse) to the ends of the earth, and still have an overwhelming desire to post them to Timbuktu. I have found a few techniques to help: deep breathes and picturing them as the perfect angels they were when I brought them home, and using my oils. Ylang Ylang over the heart with the mantra ‘I love myself, I love my family’ can calm me down very quickly.

Exercise, particularly in the fresh air and sunshine, is very good at bringing me back to myself, as well as helping with sleep.

You can also use doTERRAs grounding blend to ground and calm. Apply it to the wrists and back of the neck as often as you need it. It is also good to apply to children to help them stay calm(er).

Having a diffuser running is great as it allows all of the people in the home to benefit, even if they are stubborn three year olds (or husbands!), Wild orange is a lovely uplifting scent, and adding frankincense can really help people to concentrate.

3. Reducing Toxic Load

This can be achieved in lots of ways. Trying to reduce the amount of toxic chemicals in your home can be easier if you make your own cleaning products. I use doTERRA’s On Guard Cleaner Concentrate to wash the floors, benches, light switches, mirrors and other surfaces. I also use microfiber cloths as they are easy to wash and reuse so I am saving myself a bit of cash over paper towels.

I also avoid using a lot of the commercially available soaps, shampoos and deodorants. I make my own deodorant using fractionated coconut oil, a combination of essential oils (usually lavender, frankincense and wild orange, and some good old bicarb of soda (applied in powder form).

I also make my own hand sanitizer using dōTERRA’s Protective Blend oil, some water and a pinch of Epsom salts.

4. Good Nutrition

Having a health balanced diet is key to winter wellness.  Be sure to eat a healthy whole food diet with lots of  fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains . A good diet can ensure you are armed with all the vitamins and minerals which can strengthen your immune system during winter months. You may also want to consider a good quality Wholefood Supplements.  Make sure you do some research before taking any supplement and avoid synthetic supplements wherever possible as our bodies cannot readily absorb them. I love doTERRA's LifeLong Vitality Pack which includes a food nutrient complex MICROPLEX VMZ  (high in Vitamin A and C), a cellular vitality complex ALPHA CRS (which contains turmeric and quercetin) and an essential oil omega complex xEO MEGAA great multivitamin for kids is doTERRAs A to Z supplements.

5. Essential Oils
I’m pleased to say that since we have been using doTERRA essential oils every day around the home we very rarely get sick, and when we do, we usually bounce back really quickly. If we do get sick, then the very first sign of sniffles and coughs I diffuse dōTERRA’s Protective Blend and I apply to our feet every few hours. For sore throats, I make up a hot drink with a drop of protective blend, a few drops of lemon essential oil and a spoonful of raw honey.

For coughs I also diffuse doTERRA's Respiratory Blend and apply (diluted with a carrier oil) to feet, chest and back. I make up a small pot of coconut oil (the solid form, warmed up until liquid) with a 5-10 drops of Respiratory Blend. This solidifies in cold weather and my children can take it to school and apply as and when needed.

Using essential oils has made such a massive difference to our lives and I really can't imagine life without them now. If you would like to learn more about the empowering benefits of essential oils then you can come along to one of our events or learn more or do get in touch with me.


Please remember that these are powerful oils and supplements and shouldn’t be used without checking directions on how to use these safely. Always consult with your doctor if you are unsure or you are taking medication. The information in this blog is intended for education purposes only, the statements have not been evaluated by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or Theraputic Good Association (TGA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness or injury should consult with a medical practitioner. These suggested uses apply only to certified Pure Theraputic Grade (CPTG) Doterra Essential Oils.


What Next?

If you’d like to learn more about how you can use essential oils for health and happiness, then you can join our online community GREENLIFEOILS.
if you are ready to get started CLICK HERE for step by step ordering instructions.

Not sure where to start then you can request some FREE SAMPLES or get in touch and LETS CHAT!

Happy and healthy living! 

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