
Five steps to Winter Wellness with essential oils

The nights are getting darker and colder, the stress levels are rising, and all those seasonal bugs are just around the corner.  Have you considered some natural solutions to support you and help you stay well this winter? If you would like to know what works for my family and me, and many others, then read on.

I’ve written previously about the steps I take to help me with Winter Wellness but I thought it was time for an update.  Our bodies have the ability to heal themselves, all we need are the right tools.  doTERRA pure grade essential oils from plants are safe, cost-effective and potent.

Step One – Sleep

Our bodies renew themselves when we sleep so if we don’t get enough rest, that natural healing process is hindered and our immune systems are suppressed.   Most of us need at least seven to eight hours of sleep to stay healthy.  Children and teenagers need even more, as their bodies are still developing.  And of course, when we’re unwell, we all need more sleep to recover. Some of my tried and tested oils that my family use to set the scene for a good night’s rest include:

  • Lavender and Bergamot which are rich in linalool and linalyl acetate (well-known relaxing properties). I like to diffuse them but you can also add two to four drops to herbal teas like chamomile, or green tea, about 30 minutes before going to bed.
  • Clary Sage, Sandalwood, and Roman Chamomile are also wonderful oils to diffuse to help create the soothing environment you need to fall asleep.
  • I also love to use doTERRA’s Serenity Softgels for a good nights sleep. As well as sleep-inducing essential oils, the softgels contain L-theanine (an amino acid found in green tea) which studies have shown can improve not only how quickly you drop off, but also the amount of time you stay asleep.

  • My favourite sleep oil is Cedarwood which is wonderfully calming and helps me get to sleep in minutes.
  • Other tips to prepare for sleep includesetting a regular go-to-bed time, avoiding the use of electronics before bedtime, not drinking alcohol or caffeine too late in the evening, and a warm Epsom salt bath or shower before bed.

Step Two – Stress

Or rather, de-stress. There’s always so much to do over and after the festive season, and sometimes it can all get a bit too much. Meditation and deep breathing are great ways to de-stress and many essential oils are great for relaxation.  I love to diffuse doTERRA’s Emotional Aromatherapy oils, Balance, Serenity, and Lavender while I’m meditating or practicing yoga.  And when I’m working I often diffuse Motivate, Citrus Bliss or Wild Orange and Frankincense for that seasonal lift.   Cheer, Wild Orange and Douglas Fir is also a lovely uplifting blend. Rollerballs are a great way of taking essential oils with you while out and about.  A lovely blend to raise the spirits is Lavender, Clary Sage and Bergamot. You can also make up your own recipes!  And do share them with me, I’d love to know what your go-to de-stress essential oils are.

Step Three – Exercise

Exercise does more than just burn calories, it can positively influence body chemistry and physiology.  Proper exercise expends calories during and after activity, promotes better sleep, decreases cravings for unhealthy food, and can even elevate cognitive function. I've always enjoyed yoga, and I also love to be out in the fresh air and sunshine to help bring me back to myself.  My husband Mike and our kids like to run too so we try whenever we can to join our local Park Run.  You can read what we like to use to support endurance and recovery here.

Step Four – Immune system

Winter is often when our immune system is weakest and one of my favourite natural solutions is doTERRA’s protective On Guard blend.  At the very first sign of sniffles or tickly throats, I diffuse On Guard diluted with a carrier oil and applied to our feet and spine every few hours.   A hot drink with a drop of On Guard, a few drops of Lemon and a spoonful of raw honey, is really soothing and great for immune support

Other immunity boosting oils which are very easily incorporated into your menu planning include Oregano, Peppermint, and Lemon.  We tried this fabulous Italian Chicken with Oregano Soup recipe recently and it was a huge hit!  And I often make some of these Peppermint Chocolates for quick sweet treats as well.

Step Five – Self-care

By now you should be well on your way to staying healthy this Winter.  So what about a little seasonal self-care to make you feel good and banish the winter blues?

  • Frankincense in a diffuser promotes feelings of peace and calm, just what we all need.
  • My face can feel dry and tight during the colder months so I love to make up my own DIY face serum using Frankincense, Geranium, Cypress, Rosehip and a carrier oil such as Sweet Almond.  I massage this into my face for five minutes every night to stimulate blood flow and nourish my skin.
  • A few drops of Ylang Ylang in my shampoo helps to nourish and protect my hair, as well as promote a positive outlook.
  • We all love a relaxing warm shower or bath and I like to add a good handful of Epsom salts and 3 drops of Lavender for a sure fire way to unwind.
  • And nothing says Winter like the aroma of Clove and Cinnamon – here’s the recipe for one of my family’s all-time favourite hot drinks, a Winter White Hot Chocolate!

Winter Wellness for you

I hope you’ve enjoyed my five steps to Winter Wellness with essential oils this time. How will you be incorporating essential oils into your Winter Wellness plans?  Please do share your top tips in the comments!

What Next?
If you’d like to learn more about how you can use essential oils for health and happiness, then you can join our online community GREENLIFEOILS or attend one of our events. 

if you are ready to get started CLICK HEREfor step by step ordering instructions.

Not sure where to start then you can request some FREE SAMPLES or get in touch and LETS CHAT!

Happy and healthy living! 

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